Commercial Insurance
Whether you own a small business or manage a multi-facility corporation, business insurance is a vital element in ensuring that your business would survive a catastrophic event that would, overnight, interrupt its role to function, thus potentially ruining what you have worked so hard to build.
Why does my company need Commercial Insurance?
Commercial Insurance is designed to cover business interruption, property damage due to fire or flood, employee claims for harassment or unlawful discharge, and/or director and officer liability.
We offer a wide range of business policies that deal specifically or as a group, all of these issues.
We offer a variety of options catering to specific small to large business insurance needs.
Along with these issues will come a lot of questions as to why business insurance is so important to your company’s survivability. Herbert-Lee Insurance Agency, Inc. is not to be looked at as an insurance quoter, but as your business insurance counselor. We will answer all of your questions concerning these types of insurance and also present a lot of answers to issues you may not be aware of.
Does your current policy cover all of your concerns? Can they be filled? Business insurance policy foundations can sometimes be expanded upon or revised in certain situations.
Just some of the issues to consider are:
Does your insurance policies fully cover the risk or are your coverage limits high enough?
What would be the deductibles associated with these various policies?
Will separate facilities or separate time losses be considered a single or multiple loss for pertaining to coverage limits and deductibles?
Would there be exclusions to the coverage?
Is the policy an occurrence policy or a claims made policy?
Another important consideration is the service record of the business insurance company your policy is written with.
Make sure it has a good policy of paying claims promptly so you can get your business back to where it was as soon as possible.
Since the nature of your business insurance will be long-term, you will want to be sure that your policies are kept updated with the ever-changing advancements and increases in business liability requirements. Let us be your business insurance manager to keep up with your business’s requirements now and in the future.
Take the time to carefully review your company’s coverage requirements. Seek the guidance of experienced professionals. Working with a knowledgeable insurance broker and seasoned insurance counsel will go a long way to preparing your company for any contingency.